Missing 1938 SS-100 Jaguar recovered after 60 years in shed

Arizona marque expert takes home 'barn find' with plans to bring it back to life, but in as-found conditionTerry Larson enters his underground garage in Mesa, Arizona, with the distracted air of someone accustomed to the remarkable. And once again, he is showing off an amazing discovery.

In his sprawling restoration shop, which has seen so many Jaguar and SS sports and racing cars brought back to life, there stands a crusty relic that must rate among the top echelon of all "barn finds."

The low-slung form is that of a 1938 SS-100, a rare piece of Jaguar pre-war history that had been hidden away in a New Jersey storage shed for the past 60 years. And not only was it parked in 1958 and then largely forgotten, essentially no one in the global Jaguar community of owners and enthusiasts even knew it existed.

The full Classic Cars article here...

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