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Brit & Euro Classic Car Show 2025
To All Brit & Euro Car Clubs and your members
The Organising Committee of the Auckland Brit & Euro Classic Car Show welcome the return of this very special FREE event in 2025. This wonderful event is on Sunday 2 March!
B&E at Lloyd Elsmore Park, Pakuranga. We have booked space for over 100 Jags because this is the attendance we have achieved in previous years.
If you are a newer member, you may not be aware that this show had its roots in a discussion back in 2015 at a committee meeting of your club, and from that has grown a show that has over 1,200 classic cars on display and attendances of close to 10,000 drivers and visitors. 2025 will be the running of the 9th show so let's make it another special event.
Because the Jaguar club has the largest display space, it is not necessary to pre-register as there is plenty of room. Let's see if we can set a NEW record Jag attendance this year. We will send out a site plan and suggested arrival times in the week before the show.
Remember, it's FREE to attend and it's FREE to display your nice Jaguar.
Regards Chris Mills
On behalf of your Committee.